February Newsletter
Vessel Arrival and Departure Information
Please be advised that there’s currently a lot of confusion with the arrival and departure dates of vessels and this is mostly due to so many vessels being delayed with port congestions and with the carriers making last minute decisions on where their vessel will call. Unfortunately it’s very hard to get early and accurate arrival information, as varying dates are being received from multiple sources for the same vessel. We’ll continue to work on keeping this information as up to date as we can, but please just be aware that these dates are constantly changing and this will more than likely have an impact on the expected delivery time for your shipments.
Addition Of China to The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Emerging Risk Country List
The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment have advised that as a result of detections of live BMSB in some containerised commodities originating in China, the department will be adding China as an emerging risk country for the remainder of the 2021-22 BMSB season.
There will be increased random inspection activities on the following –
– Goods manufactured in, or shipped from China and,
– FCL / FCX containers – for goods shipped in sealed 6 hard sided containers and,
– Goods tariffed as Chapters 39, 68, 69, 70, 73, 84, 85 and 89.
MUA and Patricks Come to Terms for a New 4-Year Enterprise Agreement
Finally some encouraging news!
We have received the following advice from Patrick:
Patrick Terminals can confirm that an in-principle agreement has been reached with the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) for a new 4-year enterprise agreement.
The agreement will now need to be voted on by the MUA members before being ratified by the Fair Work Commission.
Patrick Terminals is very pleased with the outcome. The new agreement has achieved the removal of restrictive recruitment conditions and also delivered other much-needed flexibilities for the Patrick operations across all four terminals.
Patrick Terminals looks forward to the endorsement of the agreement by the MUA members and four years of industrial stability on our waterfront.
Further updates will be provided after the employees vote.
Delivery and unpack delays in Fremantle
It appears the perfect storm of events has greatly disrupted the supply chain in WA. Coupled with a heavy vehicle driver shortage, we have been advised that deliveries in Perth have been 5 working days behind schedule. We continue to work with all parties during these challenging times.
Click here to see the update from transport operator Medlog WA.
Industrial issue in Perth have also seen the WA government & Fremantle Port Authority step in and stop break bulk vessels from berthing until the existing backlog of cargo clears from the terminal.
Some Import break bulk cargo is currently blocked has been taking weeks before it can be accessed for pick up.
The dates for this closure will be from midnight Monday 21 February 2022 to 2359 hours Friday 25 February 2022.”
The intention is to focus as much time and effort to clear this cargo, so the berth and laydown area can again be operated in a more efficient way.
More Terminal Access Charge increases
Patrick have announced yet another increase to their Terminal Access Charges for import containers from the 7th of March,
This will result in an increase to our Terminal Infrasturcuture Surcharge as follows –
SYD / MELB / BNE $15.00 per container effective 15th March
FRE $ 5.50 per container effective 15th March
ADELAIDE $40.00 per container effective 1st April
Fuel Levy Increases
Diesel fuel prices have risen approximately 20c litre since August 2021 and transport companies have been passing on subsequent fuel levy increases.
Along with a 400% increase in cost for Adblue (acting anti-pollutant in diesel engines), this has led to varying levels of fuel levy increases.
As a result our fuel surcharge levies will be increasing from the 15th of March in Perth & Brisbane by 2%, Melb & Syd 1% increase, whilst Adelaide will increased by 5%

Toll Increases
There have been small increase to tolls over the past few quarters, these have now been now passed on for certain affected destination in Syd/Mel/Bne.
Melbourne has seen the largest increases as follows (based on 2 way trip)
Toll Surcharge via M1 $90
Toll Surcharge via M2 $45
Toll Surcharge via M3 $45
Tolls published on LinkT website click here
CMA CGM introduce Container Maintenance Charge
CMA CGM have implemented a new Container Maintenance Charge for all import cargoes to Australia effective from the 1 February 2022:
The Container Maintenance Charge will be –
USD $15 per 20’ container
USD $30 per 40’ container
The charge will be a contribution to cover container damage up to USD $250 per unit.
Click here to see the official notice
Will be interesting to see if any other carriers introduce a similar charge
Maersk TRIPLES it’s Full Year Earnings in Record Results
SHIPPING line Maersk has delivered record earnings for 2021, which was an exceptional year with focus on mitigating supply chain risks for customers while strengthening the integrated logistics offering.
In 2021, revenue was up 55% to US$61.8 billion, EBITDA tripled to US$24 billion and free cashflow was US$16.5 billion.
Click here to read the full article