September Newsletter

Please be advised of the following details in regards to the current situation with shipping, transport and logistics both locally and internationally for your information. Global Shipping Update USA   …

July Newsletter

  Welcome to our July newsletter  China Update  The current situation in China is improving with more space being available and rates continuing to drop, which is certainly a welcome…

April Newsletter

Welcome to our April newsletter and please note the below important updates for your information: China Update – Shanghai Lockdown Situation The authorities in Shanghai have extended the city’s lockdown…

March Newsletter

Please be advised of the below important information, as once again there is so much going on around the world with shipping and airfreight continuing to be affected by many…

February Newsletter

Vessel Arrival and Departure Information Please be advised that there’s currently a lot of confusion with the arrival and departure dates of vessels and this is mostly due to so…

Supply Chain Disruptions

As you have no doubt already heard and probably experienced, there’s currently a major labour issue that is severely affecting the supply and distribution of goods all over the country.…

CFL Christmas Newsletter

Christmas Closures As most companies are looking to close down over the Christmas and New Year period please remember the following important points regarding your shipments during this time,  Documentation…

November Newsletter

CURRENT IMPORT SITUATION  Shipping is still quite difficult with many ports continuing to be heavily congested with most vessels being severely delayed. Published sailing schedules from the carriers mean nothing,…